Earlier today. on 21 November 2024, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA) published a press release and a consultation paper setting out its proposals for further changes to complaint handling rules for motor finance commission complaints.
In broad terms:
– the FCA proposes to extend its current rules in DISP Appendix 5 to motor finance non-discretionary commission arrangement (or a DCA) commission complaints;
– the FCA is consulting on two proposals meaning there would be a pause for issuing a final response letter on a non-DCA motor commission complaints to either (a) 4 December 2025 (to align with DCA motor commission complaints) or (b) 31 May 2025;
– the FCA says it will set out its next steps on discretionary motor finance commission complaints in May 2025 and proposes to set out its position on non-discretionary motor finance commission complains at the same time (as it believes that the Supreme Court will have made a decision on whether to give permission to appeal in Johnson v FirstRand Bank Limited (London Branch) t/a MotoNovo Finance [2024] EWCA Civ 1282 by then); and
– the FCA proposes to extend the time to refer a complaint about a non-DCA motor commission complaint to the Ombudsman Service until the later of 15 months from a final response letter, or 29 July 2026.
The deadline for responding to the consultation is 5 December 2024. It is likely that new rules and guidance will be made shortly afterwards.
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